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Building a Tetris Game in Python using Pygame Part 1

Tetris is a tile-matching arcade style video game which is widely held as one of the greatest early video games ever created. It’s simplicity of rules and positive benefits on the human brain make it a great video to play.

So let’s build Tetris using Python, with the help of the Pygame library! This post is part 1 in a series of posts designed to help you make your own Tetris game in Python.

Figure 1: Screenshot of the Tetris game we will build

What You Will Need

Before starting to code the Tetris game we must ensure that you meet these requirements before building anything:

  • Python 3(preferably 3.8 or above) installed
  • Pygame 2(preferably 2.0.1 or above) installed
  • Knowledge of the Tetris game rules(see here) If you want to know how to install Pygame see installation instructions below.

How to install Python 3

  • Open a terminal instance in your IDE’s workspace
  • Use the pip tool to install pygame using this command: python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
  • Done :grinning

1. Setup environment and game file

First go to your IDE and create a folder for the Tetris game you are about to build. Then inside that folder, create a file called This file will hold all the code needed to build this game.

Let’s start by importing the required libraries and defining some global variables.

import pygame, sys, os, random
from pygame.locals import *

colors = [
    (37, 235, 11),
    (160, 154, 143),
    (139, 176, 186),
    (57, 217, 227),
    (82, 30, 24),
    (13, 216, 46),
    (198, 39, 57)

WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREY = (128, 128, 128)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

level = 1
lines_to_clear = 1

We need the pygame library and the pygame.locals library so we’ll import those. The colors array contains all the colors that any of the figures in the Tetris game will contain. The colors are stored in RGB format. The WHITE, GREY, BLACK colors will be used to color various sections of the game screen such as background, grid and text color. Now, the level global variable keeps track of the current level of the game, starting from 1. And lastly, the lines_to_clear variable keeps track of how many lines to clear in order to move to the next level. Ex: if you’re in level 2, you’ll have to clear 2 lines in order to play level 3.

2. Setup classes and main()

For this Tetris implementation we’ll need two classes: Figure and Tetris. Figure is the class that all objects that fall from the top of the screen are instances of, also known as the Model in MVC Pattern terminology. The Tetris class is the Controller in MVC terminology because it holds the state of the game, controls game flow and separates the view from the model(which is the Figure class in this case).

Now let’s define the Figure class first:

class Figure:
    Figure class is used to create the blocks that will fall down from the top of the screen
    |0 |1 |2 |3 |
    |4 |5 |6 |7 |
    |8 |9 |10|11|
    This is a visual of the 4x4 grid system used
    to rotation the various shapes in Tetris game.

    Tetromino: is a geometric shape composed of 4 squares
    figures = [
        [[4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 5, 9, 13]], # for straight line
        [[1, 4, 5, 6], [1, 4, 5, 9], [4, 5, 6, 9], [1, 5, 6, 9]], # for pyramid tetromino
        [[1, 2, 5, 9], [0, 4, 5, 6], [1, 5, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6, 10]], # for left side L-shaped tetromino
        [[1, 2, 6, 10], [3, 5, 6, 7], [2, 6, 10, 11], [5, 6, 7, 9]], # for right side L-shaped tetromino
        [[5, 6, 9, 10]], # for square shape
        [[1, 2, 4, 5], [0, 4, 5, 9], [5, 6, 8, 9], [1, 5, 6, 10]], # for left side zig-zag shaped tetromino
        [[1, 2, 6, 7], [3, 6, 7, 10], [5, 6, 10, 11], [2, 5, 6, 9]] # for right side zig-zag shaped tetromino

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.type = random.randint(0, (len(self.figures) - 1))
        self.color = random.randint(1, (len(colors) - 1))
        self.rotation = 0

    # gets the specific shape and color of currently falling object
    def get_image(self):
        return self.figures[self.type][self.rotation]

    # increments to the next rotation of any type of figure
    def rotate(self):
        self.rotation = (self.rotation + 1) % (len(self.figures[self.type]))

I will explain each of the attributes and methods in Figure class below:

  • figures array: This is a multidimensional array used to store all the figure shapes along with their respective rotations. The way this works is that all figures all stored in a 4×4 matrix like this:

Shape #1 Shape #1

Shape #2 Shape #2

Shape #3 Shape #3

Shape #4 Shape #4

Shape #5 Shape #5

Then, each list inside figures contains all the specific rotation coordinates for that particular shape. For example Shape #1’s second rotation looks like this: Shape #1's second rotation

def init(self, x, y): in this Figure constructor we get the x and y starting coordinates for each Figure instance from the constructor parameters. The self.type attribute assigns a shape from the figures array to each Figure instance, which will be determined randomly. The self.color attribute randomly assigns a color from the colors global array to each Figure instance. Finally, the rotation attribute assigns the first rotation of each shape and keeps track of the rotations of each shape, to every Figure. def get_image(self): this method randomly determines a shape type and color combination for each Figure instantiation and returns that array of specific coordinates. def rotate(self): this method is used for incrementing to the next rotation of each shape. The logic inside ensures that no array indexing errors occur and that after the final rotation, the first rotation is used again, effectively looping the rotations of each shape.

Now let’s build the Tetris class:

class Tetris: lines_cleared = 0 score = 0 state = "start" field = [] HEIGHT = 0 WIDTH = 0 startX = 100 startY = 50 zoom = 20 figure = None

def init(self, height, width): self.field = [] self.figure = None self.height = height self.width = width for i in range(height): new_line = [] for j in range(width): new_line.append(0) self.field.append(new_line)

Here is the explanation for each attribute and the constructor in Tetris:

lines_cleared: This variable keeps track of how many lines were cleared when a Figure fixes on to the bottom of the game screen. It is used to keep track of when to level up score: keeps track of the score in-game state: keeps track of the state of the game, starting with start then changes to gameover if the game over conditions are met(which are if the shapes touch the top of the game screen) field: this is a multi-dimensional array which keeps track of each tile in the game screen. The default size is 10×20, so the total number of tiles in the game screen is 200. Each tile is given value of 0 to denote an empty tile and as the game progresses the tiles are given a non-zero value once a Figure lands on that tile. startX: this is the starting x coordinate from where each figure will fall from. Note: the value is based on the window screen, not the game screen(which is smaller in size) startY: this is the starting y coordination from where each figure will fall from. Also based on window size zoom: this attribute helps in filling each game tile with color when a Figure is occupying it or falling through that tile. figure: this is what holds the current Figure instance, so that the Figure instance can be controlled by the Tetris instance def init(self, height, width): constructor for Tetris, assigns the passed height and width to the Tetris instance. Since the Tetris class will be instantiated more than once upon leveling up in-game, the field = [] and figure = None lines erases the data from the previous level. Finally, the constructor fills the field multi-dimensional array with 0 values as a starting point for the game

Now let’s add the methods for the Tetris class:

def create_figure(self): self.figure = Figure(3, 0)

def intersects(self): intersects = False for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if (i * 4) + j in self.figure.get_image(): if (i + self.figure.y) > (self.height - 1) or
(j + self.figure.x) > (self.width - 1) or
(j + self.figure.x) < 0 or
self.field[i + self.figure.y][j + self.figure.x] > 0: intersects = True return intersects

def freeze_figure(self): for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if i * 4 + j in self.figure.get_image(): self.field[i + self.figure.y][j + self.figure.x] = self.figure.color self.break_lines() self.create_figure() if self.intersects(): self.state = "gameover"

def break_lines(self): lines = 0 for i in range(1, self.height): zeros = 0 for j in range(0, self.width): if self.field[i][j] == 0: zeros += 1

if zeros == 0: lines += 1 for i1 in range(i, 1, -1): for j in range(self.width): self.field[i1][j] = self.field[i1 - 1][j] self.score += lines ** 2 self.lines_cleared += lines self.check_level_up()

def check_level_up(self): global level global lines_to_clear if self.lines_cleared >= level: level += 1 lines_to_clear = level self.lines_cleared = 0 return True else: lines_to_clear = level - self.lines_cleared return False

def go_space(self): while not self.intersects(): self.figure.y += 1 self.figure.y -= 1 self.freeze_figure()

def go_down(self): self.figure.y += 1 if self.intersects(): self.figure.y -= 1 self.freeze_figure()

def go_sideways(self, dx): previous_x = self.figure.x self.figure.x += dx if self.intersects(): self.figure.x = previous_x

def rotate(self): previous_rotation = self.figure.rotation self.figure.rotate() if self.intersects(): self.figure.rotation = previous_rotation


def create_figure(self): This method creates a new Figure instance and assigns it to the figure attribute in Tetris def intersects(self): This method checks if the currently falling Figure is colliding with any fixed Figures at the bottom of the game screen and/or if the falling Figure is trying to go out of bounds in the x axis. It returns True if either of these conditions occurs and False if neither occurs def freeze_figure(self): This method is used for freezing the falling Figure to the game screen if it is found to be colliding with the game screen bottom or any of the fixed figures. After freezing, it checks if any of the lines(rows in the game screen) are full by calling break_lines() and then creating a new Figure instance by calling create_figure(). Finally, it checks if the newly created Figure collides with the structure of fixed figures immediately upon creation, in order to sense if the game should be over, and if it is then it sets the game state to gameover thereby ending the game def break_lines(self): Main purpose of this method is to check if any of the rows in the game screen, also known as lines, are completely filled with Figures. If so then it take that row’s most immediate top row and replaces it’s own row with that top row, which effectively deletes completely full rows, pushes down incomplete rows and increments the score for each row that was deleted. As a bonus if multiple rows are deleted at once then twice the normal amount of points are awarded. Finally, it adds the amount of lines cleared to lines_cleared and calls check_level_up() in order to check if the next level can be reached def check_level_up(self): The method that checks if the next level can be achieved is this one. If the required amount of lines were cleared then it returns True. If not, then it calculates the amount of lines needed to be cleared and assigns that value to the lines_to_clear global variable def go_space(self): If the down arrow key is held then this method makes the currently falling Figure travel at a much faster speed until the down arrow is released or when it collides with a fixed figure at which point that Figure is frozen via freeze_figure(). Note: the event listeners for the `down arrow key are located in the main() method def go_down(self): Similar to go_space() except that this method only makes the current Figure fall at a rate of one tile per method call. def go_sideways(self, dx): This method makes the current Figure move to the sides when called. The dx parameter controls which direction to go, 1 for right side and -1 for left side. Note: the direction will be supplied from main() def rotate(self): Serves to rotate the current Figure when called. If the next rotation collides with a fixed figure on game screen then it reverts back to the original rotation.

In the next post I will cover the implementation of the main() function along with other details. Stay tuned and thanks for reading my blog post!